The North Texas SQL Server User Group Board of Directors has decided to do something a little bit different for selecting Precons for our next […]
Tag: SQL Saturday
HA and DR Precon in Denver
I’ll be doing a precon for SQLSaturday #331 in Denver Colorado on September 19th, 2014 titled “A Day of High Availability and Disaster Recovery” .  If […]
HA and DR Precon in Baton Rouge
I’ll be doing a precon for SQLSaturday #324 in Baton Rouge Louisiana on August 1st, 2014 titled “A Day of High Availability and Disaster Recovery” […]
SQLSaturday #97 Wrap-up
    #97 This was a great event! This was Austin’s first SQLSaturday, so it’s quite an accomplishment and something to celebrate.  I brought my family with […]
Speaking at SQLSaturday #97
I will be speaking at SQLSaturday #97 in Austin, TX on October 1st, 2011. I will be delivering my presentation on database mirroring. I know the […]
SQLSaturday #57
SQLSaturday #57 Recap
PBM and CMS Slides
Ryan Adams slides for Managing Your Shop with Policy Based Management and Central Management Server
How I Became a DBA
How Ryan Adams became a DBA and his involvement in the SQL community
Why I want to serve on North Texas SQL Server User Group Board of Directors.
SQL Saturday Weekend Palooza
SQL Saturday 35 Dallas
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