This post is a live blog of the PASS Summit 2012 keynote from day 2 on 11/8/2012.  This post is intended to be a live note taking.

Douglas McDowell opens day 2 by giving an overview of the health of the PASS organization.  This year PASS has added an additional community evangelist, and better IT support.  PASS continues to be financially healthy.

Doug introduces the newly elected board members Wendy Pastrick, James Rowland-Jones, and Sri Sridharan.  We congratulate and thank them all for their commitment and sacrifice.  Doug also gives a huge thank you to the PASS HQ team.  They work tirelessly to put on PASS events.

Thomas LaRock takes the stage to talk about the way PASS has changed to recognize our volunteers.  They have added an Outstanding volunteer award and mention the runners up for the PASSion award.  The runners up were Jesus Gil and Amy Lewis.  Jen Stirrup is announced as the 2012 PASSion award winner.

Quentin Clark Microsoft Corporate Vice President is up next.  He’ll be talking on “The Data Lifecycle: Turning Data into Business Value”.

We are watching map reduce pulling data from Hadoop for analysis with PDW.  The idea here is to combine any data no matter where it comes from, whether it is on premise or not, or Hadoop, or SQL.  We are digging through the data now and eyes are glazed over or closing.

If you are watching this live and wondering why I’m not updating it’s because nothing eventful is happening.  Lots of people have glazed over eyes and some are leaving.

If you haven’t abondoned me yet…you should.  We are nearing the end with nothing exciting in view.  Twitter is buzzing with this being the most boring keynote ever.