I will be speaking for the PASS DBA Virtual Chapter on February 22nd, 2012.  I will be delivering my presentation on Mirroring.

If you have not checked out the virtual chapters that PASS has, then you need to Go Check Them Out.  These chapters are designed to fill the gap for areas of the country that do not have a local user group chapter.  Even if you have a local chapter in your area you need to check these out.  Why?  Most speakers have to pay for travel out of their own pocket and can’t visit every chapter in the country.  The virtual chapters provide a platform where you can watch the presentations via Live Meeting.  This means you get access to great speakers you might not otherwise get to hear, and best of all you get to do it from the comfort of your desk.

Don’t cheat yourself of amazing free training, and go check out the chapter(s) that interest you.  There are quite a few so if you are looking for a personal suggestion my favorites are the Performance Virtual Chapter and the DBA Virtual Chapter.

You can register for my session HERE and you will be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card… and here is the session abstract:

Mirroring Start to Finish

Mirroring can be an integral part of your high availability and disaster recovery planning. We’ll cover what mirroring is from start to finish, how it can fit into an HA/DR plan, the rules surrounding its use, configuration via the GUI and T-SQL, as well as how to monitor mirroring. This presentation is designed to not only give you an overview of mirroring, but to also walk you through a basic implementation. At the end you will have learned what mirroring is, how it can fit into your environment, what business requirements it solves, and how to configure it.