There are four different ways we can evaluate policies against servers in our environment. These methods are all manual and I will cover how to automate them in another post. This is just a quick list to show your available options, and where they are located.
- We can evaluate a single policy against a single instance by simply right clicking on the policy and selecting evaluate.
- We can evaluate multiple policies against a single instance by right clicking the Policies node and selecting evaluate. This opens a dialog where we can choose multiple policies to evaluate against the local instance.
- We can evaluate a single policy against multiple instances. This is where the power of Central Management Server comes in. You can right click on a group in your CMS, select evaluate policies, choose your PBM server source, and select a policy to evaluate against the instances in the group.
- We can also evaluate multiple policies against multiple instances. We use our CMS again just like the previous bullet point, but simply select multiple policies to evaluate.
Here is what the policy selection screen looks like for numbers 2, 3, and 4 above.
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