I will be presenting two sessions at Dallas TechFest!  I am honored and excited to be speaking.  Dallas TechFest is a premiere technology conference that includes many technology areas like .Net, Java, Windows Phone, and of course SQL Server.  This year the conference has grown and expanded from one day to two days, and is being held at the University of Texas at Dallas on August 12th and 13th.

If you are looking to cram your head full technology greatness from some of the best speakers around, then this is the conference for you.  The conference does have a cost, but it’s only a $100 for two days of networking and the best in technology information.  That is a great value for two days of training, but let’s make it even better by giving you half off the price by using the code “TwoDays”.  That is two days of training and lunch for only $50!  Ooooh, I forgot to mention that lunch is included?….Your welcome.

Check out the Dallas TechFest website, and you can also Register Here.  Make sure to check out my sessions; here is what I will be presenting:

Manage your shop with CMS and Policy Based Management

Mirroring: The Bare Necessities

See you there!


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